Mass Ave Diner & The Mighty Squirrel Present The Squirrel Run, Thursday, May 5, 7pm

Mass Ave Diner Presents
The Squirrel Run
To Support


Thursday, May 5th @7pm
5K + Post Run Party + Good Cause
After the run, enjoy delicious food at Mass Ave Diner
& beer from Mighty Squirrel!

Please RSVP to our FB page @MassAveDiner

Cambridge, MA….Central Square’s Mass Ave Diner and craft brewer Mighty Squirrel are teaming up to raise funds for Family Reach on Thursday, May 5, 2016 with a 5k Squirrel Run & Party. Runners are invited to come meet at the Mass Ave Diner, 906 Mass. Ave, Cambridge at 7pm, Thursday, May 5 to start the 5k. 

David Barlam, chef/owner, Mass Ave Diner will be hosting a party at Mass Ave Diner after the 5k with great burger & brew specials and more. “I’ve had a longstanding friendship with the minds behind Mighty Squirrel.  I think the beer is really good – it’s worth running for!” says Barlam.  “This is a fun way to let people know that we are now open for dinner serving beer and wine, and at the same time, we can make a difference with a really critical program.  I am friends with Family Reach – it is incredibly important what they do every day to help families fighting cancer.  This will be amazing and fun — good times, good people, good cause.”

Launched in 2015, Mighty Squirrel is a craft beer with the mottos “Celebrate Mighty Moments” and “Brewed for the Finish Line.”  How appropriate as runners of all skill and experience, or with none at all, are invited to come run on May 5.  Mighty Squirrel appreciates their friends and fans who are willing to run for their friends, for their beer and to make a difference in a great community program.

Since 1996 Family Reach has been a financial lifeline for families fighting cancer.  It helps families deal with the overwhelming financial and emotional burdens of the disease.  As families cope with years of cancer treatments, out of pocket expenses and everyday living costs, they often reach critical breaking points.  Through an effective process developed through years of close collaboration with hospital social workers, Family Reach provides urgent assistance to families in a timely, compassionate way.

For more details about the Mighty Squirrel Run on May 5, please visit:
FB:  Mighty Squirrel

FB:  Mass Ave Diner

Media Contact:
Martha Sullivan, Sullivan Communications, 617.835.2264,

Mass  Ave Diner
906 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA

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